Media reports
Some of the studies I have been involved in have attracted media attention. Here I would like to give an overview of the press coverage of these publications. You can find more information about each paper under Publications. For updates on my current work, please visit the News page.
Selection of media reports on our 2024 study: A new genus of metriorhynchid crocodylomorph from the Lower Cretaceous of Germany
Fossils: 'Radically Different' Crocodile of 135 Million Years Ago Revealed - Newsweek
Paleontologists Discover Unique Dolphin-Like Marine Crocodile From the Age of the Dinosaurs - SciTech Daily
New Species of Ancient Marine Crocodile Discovered in Germany - SciNews
This ancient crocodile looked kind of like a dolphin - Popular Science
Dolphin-Like Crocodile From Germany 135M Years Ago in the Cretaceous Period Unveiled - Tech Times
Ancient crocodile had dolphin-like flippers and smooth skin -
135-million-year-old marine crocodile sheds light on Cretaceous life - Phys Org
Scientists discover new species of ancient crocodile – from 135 million years ago - Brighter Side of News
New ancient marine crocodile from time of dinosaurs provides insight into the groups lifestyle and diversity - Morning News
A new species of ancient marine crocodile was discovered in Germany - Daily Wrap
Ancient crocodile sheds light on life during ‘Age of Dinosaurs’ - Cosmos
Découverte d’une nouvelle espèce de crocodylomorphe ancien - Sciencepost
Jego szczątki znaleziono w Niemczech. Starożytny krokodyl zamieszkiwał dawne morza - WPTech
Este "cocodrilo marino" prehistórico se parecía a un delfín - National Geographic
Enalioetes, una nueva especie de cocodrilo marino antiguo - Proceso
Nuevo reptil marino del Cretácico descrito por su cráneo preservado - Europapress
Identifican nueva especie de cocodrilo marino del Cretácico en Alemania - Launion
Delfinliknande havskrokodil från kritperioden var skicklig jägare - Illustrerad Vetenskap
新発見の白亜紀ワニ、化石が解き明かす古代の海洋生態 - Newsweek Japane
1億3500万年前の海棲ワニが白亜紀の生命に光を当てる- Nipponese News
Media reports on our 2024 study: Exquisite skeletons of a new transitional plesiosaur fill gap in the evolutionary history of plesiosauroids
Franconiasaurus brevispinus - Species new to Science
Saurierart hat jetzt fränkischen Namen - Radio Galaxy
Que sait-on de ces nouveaux plésiosaures découverts en Allemagne ? - Scíencepost
On a découvert les restes d’un plésiosaure jusqu’alors inconnu en Allemagne ! - FZN
A tengeri ősgyík maradványaira Németországban bukkantak rá - National Geographic | Magyarország
ドイツで新種の首長竜が発掘される - Nippon News
Nowy plezjozaur z jury Niemiec - Muzeum Ewolucji
Nova vrsta pleziosaurusa pronađena u Nemačkoj - Nauka Telegraf
Selection of media reports on our 2023 study: The rise of macropredatory pliosaurids near the Early-Middle Jurassic transition
Lorrainosaurus: Riesiges Monster der Meere aus der Großregion - ARD
Neuer Spitzenräuber aus dem Jura-Meer entdeckt - Spektrum der Wissenschaften
Der Orca der Urzeit - Welt
Uraltes Ungeheuer: Torpedo mit Riesenkiefer auf Beutefang - Die Zeit
Lorrainosaurus: Dieser Saurier war ein echtes Großmaul - Kleine Kinderzeitung
Uraltes Ungeheuer - Süddeutsche Zeitung
Pliosaurier mit Riesenkiefer vor 170 Millionen Jahren Schrecken der Meere - MDR
Gigantischer Unterwasser-Räuber Torpedo mit Riesenkiefer ging auf Beutefang - NTV
Seeungeheuer wie ein Riesen-Torpedo - Stuttgarter Zeitung
Im Straßengraben entdeckt: Meeressaurier begründete eine Ära - GEO
Neu beschriebene Sauriergattung als Megaräuber der Urzeit - Der Standard
Paleontologists Identify Oldest-Known Mega-Predatory Pliosaur - Sci News
This Jurassic-era ‘sea murderer’ was among the first of its kind - Popular Science
New “Super Predator” Pliosaur Genus Changes What We Know About Ancient Sea Monsters - ILFScience
New look at a Lorrainosaurus in a museum finds plesiosaurs evolved earlier than thought - PhysOrg
Oldest Mega-Predatory Pliosaur Remains Unearthed - Mirrage News
6 Ancient Mega-Predators that Once Ruled the World - Discover
Discovery of ancient marine reptile reveals oldest mega-predator - Times of India
Sea Monster Surprise: Ancient Pliosaur Remains Challenge What We Knew - SciTechDaily
Jurassic pliosaur 'megapredator' was a giant 'sea murderer' - Yahoo
Le Lorrainosaure, un monstre marin du Jurassique - Science et vie
Une nouvelle espèce de monstre marin baptisée Lorrainosaure - Le Lorraine
Szczątki morskiego gada zmieniają bieg historii. Takiego osobnika nikt się nie spodziewał - Focus
Media report on our 2023 study: The first record of sauropod dinosaurs from a palaeotopographical upland environment and its implications for megaherbivorous dinosaur faunal turnover in the Early Cretaceous of northwestern Europe
Selection of media reports on our 2020 study: Inner ear sensory system changes as extinct crocodylomorphs transitioned from land to water
Like Dolphins and Whales, Ancient Crocodiles Evolved to Spend Their Time at Sea - Smithsonian Magazine
Ancient ocean-going crocodiles mimicked whales and dolphins - The Guardian
When Crocodiles Once Dived Like Dolphins and Whales - New York Times
Deadly ancient crocodiles imitated whales to dominate the oceans - CNN
Ancient land-based crocodiles evolved to be more like whales - BBC
Ancient marine crocs adapted like whales to ocean life - only earlier - Reuters
Prehistoric crocodiles were more like whales and dolphins, shocking study finds - Fox News
Deadly Jurassic crocodiles evolved flippers like dolphins and tails like whales to rule the oceans 170 million years ago - Mail Online
Ancient crocodiles imitated whales to dominate Jurassic seas, university finds - Local London
Media report on our 2019 study: Rare evidence of a giant pliosaurid-like plesiosaur from the Middle Jurassic (lower Bajocian) of Switzerland
Rare evidence of a giant Jurassic pliosaur from Switzerland - Uppsala Universitet
Paleontologists Find 170-Million-Year-Old Giant Pliosaur Fossil - Sci News
Rare Evidence of A Giant Pliosaurid-like Plesiosaur from the Middle Jurassic (lower Bajocian) of Switzerland - Species new to Science
Media report on our 2019 study: A new species of the metriorhynchid crocodylomorph Cricosaurus from the Upper Jurassic of southern Germany
Jurassic crocodile discovery sheds light on reptiles' family tree - EurekAlert
Jurassic Crocodile Ancestor Looks More Like a Dolphin Than a Croc - Popular Mechanics
Primitive crocodile that roamed prehistoric seas 150 million years ago unearthed - Mirror
Photo of the week - Times of Malta
Jurassic crocodile discovery sheds light on reptiles' family tree - ANI
Crocodile ancester dating back 150 million years gives insight into evolution - The Irish News
Fossil Friday: Jurassic crocodile shows us how the scaly killers came to be - ZME Science
Das Urkrokodil aus Bamberg - Spektrum der Wissenschaft
Ein neues Meereskrokodil aus den Jurakalken Nordbayerns - GeoHorizon
Un crocodile du Jurassique découvert en Allemagne - Sciences et Avenir
Un paladar único distingue a una especie inédita de cocodrilo ancestral - Europapress
Selection of media reports on our 2019 study: The mystery of Mystriosaurus: Redescribing the poorly known Early Jurassic teleosauroid thalattosuchians Mystriosaurus laurillardi and Steneosaurus brevior
University of Edinburgh team spot monster crocodile - The Herald
Make it snappy! Crocodile fossil identified after 250 year wait - BBC Science Focus
Meet Mystriosaurus laurillardi, Marine Crocodile from Jurassic Period - Sci News
A Mysterious Jurassic Crocodile Fossil Was Found 250 Years Ago – Now They Finally Have Answers - SciTechDaily
Mysterious Jurassic crocodile which grew to 15 feet long is finally identified 250 YEARS after its fossil was found in Germany - Mail Online
Mysterious Jurassic crocodile identified 250 years after fossil find - Hertiage Daily
Strange Jurassic crocodile is finally identified 250 years after fossil was discovered - Mirror
The rediscovery of a prehistoric crocodile species - University of Edinburgh Science Media
Mystriosaurus: Rückkehr eines mysteriösen Meereskrokodils - GeoHorizon
Selection of media reports on our 2018 study: Soft-tissue evidence for homeothermy and crypsis in a Jurassic ichthyosaur
Fossil Ichthyosaur Blubber Is Evidence They Were Warm-Blooded - Discover
Fossil blubber shows ichthyosaurs were warm blooded reptiles - New Scientist
Incredible 'sea monster' fossil still has skin and blubber - National Geographic
Like Whales and Dolphins, Prehistoric ‘Fish Lizards’ Kept Warm With Blubber - Smithsonian Magazine
Dolphin-like marine reptiles were more dolphin-like than previously thought - Earth Archives
Incredibly Well-Preserved Blubber Suggests Jurassic-Era "Fish-Lizards" Were Warm-Blooded - IFL Science
Scientists Find Remarkably Well-Preserved Fossil Of Ancient Sea Monster Ichthyosaur - Tech Times
Remarkable fossil of 180-million-year-old 'sea monster' preserved its Jurassic-era blubber and skin - Good Morning America
Ancient ‘sea monster’ was basically a huge dolphin creature - New York Post
180-million-year-old 'sea monster' found with skin and blubber - Fox News
Scientists Discover Fish-Like Marine Reptile Buried in Its Own Blubber 150 Million Years Ago - SciTech Daily
This ancient marine reptile had more in common with whales -
Selected media reports on our 2017 study: A rare new Pliensbachian plesiosaurian from the Amaltheenton Formation of Bielefeld in northwestern Germany
Ancestor of sea reptile super-predators found in Germany - Phys Org
This Newly Discovered Jurassic Sea Monster Was Related to Ocean Super-Predators - Science Alert
Newly found 190 million-year-old Jurassic sea monster may be ancestor of modern sea predators - International Business Times UK
190-Million-Year-Old Long-Necked Sea Monster Identified In Germany - NDTV World
New giant marine reptile species from the Early Jurassic found - UPI News
Bielefelder Wissenschaftler entdeckt neue Meeressaurier-Art - Rheinische Post
Arminisaurus: Neues aus dem Unterjura von Bielefeld - GeoHorizon
Schwimmsaurierart entdeckt: Analyse Jahrzehnte nach Fund - General Anzeiger
Schwimmsaurierart entdeckt: Analyse Jahrzehnte nach Fund - Westfälische Nachrichten
Der einzige Dinosaurier seiner Art - Westfalen-Blatt
Neue Saurierart „Arminisaurus Schuberti“ in Bielefeld entdeckt - Neue Westfälische Zeitung
Voici Arminisaurus schuberti, le nouveau monstre marin du Jurassique - L'Express
Liten havsreptil från juraperioden hittad -
Muinaismeren supersaalistaja sai nimen ovelalta germaanipäälliköltä - YLE
Selected media reports on our 2017 study: A new basal elasmosaurid (Sauropterygia: Plesiosauria) from the Lower Cretaceous of Germany
New ancient sea reptile found in Germany -- The earliest of its kind - EurekAlert
Meet Lagenanectes richterae, One of Oldest Known Elasmosaurs - SciNews
Ancient German ‘sea monster’ was earliest of its kind - Geology Page
New species of ancient marine reptile is the oldest of its kind - NewAtlas
Spektakulärer Saurierfund: Neue Meeressaurierart in Niedersachsen entdeckt - GeoHorizon
Fischsaurier-Fossil liefert nachträgliche Überraschungen - Der Standard
Landesmuseum präsentiert neu entdeckten Meeressaurier - Welt
Völlig unbekannte Meeressaurier-Art entdeckt - Kronen Zeitung
Un reptil marino de ocho metros que se asemejaba al monstruo del Lago Ness - Heraldo
Des chercheurs identifient l’un des plus grands et plus anciens plésiosaures connus - Sciencepost
Wygląda jak potwór z Loch Ness. Naukowcy właśnie odkryli jego szczątki - Wyprawy marzen
132 miljoner år gammal – spektakulär havsorm återupptäckt -
Selected media reports on our 2017 study: On the largest Ichthyosaurus: A new specimen of Ichthyosaurus somersetensis containing an embryo
Largest 'Sea Dragon' Fossil Accidentally Discovered in Museum - National Geographic
Largest Ichthyosaurus was pregnant mother - EurekAlert
Biggest Ichthyosaurus Fossil Was Pregnant When She Died - IFL Science
Largest ‘sea dragon’ fossil rediscovered in museum archive - New York Post
Remains of unborn dino-baby found inside belly of 200-million-year-old 'sea dragon' - Mirror
Zufallsfund: Ichthyosaurus-Fossil in Museum in Hannover entdeckt - National Geographic
Fossil war ein trächtiger Meeressaurier - Scinexx
Trächtiger Fischsaurier im Landesmuseum entdeckt - Der Spiegel
Trächtiger Fischsaurier in Museum von Hannover entdeckt - Westfalen-Blatt
Größter Ichthyosaurus war trächtige Mutter - GeoHorizon
Media reports on our 2016 study: A new species of Cyclotosaurus (Stereospondyli, Capitosauria) from the Late Triassic of Bielefeld, NW Germany, and the intrarelationships of the genus
Neuer Ur-Lurch in Bielefeld gefunden - Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
Unbekannte Tierart im Namu - Westfalen-Blatt
Bielefelder Riesenlurch-Fossil gehört zu einer bisher unbekannten Art - Neue Westfälische Zeitung